Any word as to why the shooter opened fire at the deputies?
Could you give us a link?
guy jumps out his car like the wild wild west and fire at deputies.. deputies return fire and suspect shot.
stand off at this time..
Any word as to why the shooter opened fire at the deputies?
Could you give us a link?
1) his blunt reply to a young man spoiled his interest in spirituality.
(mathew 19:16-22) this does not match the majesty of jesus.
what he said in mathew 16:21: if you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven contradicts what he said earlier in mathew 5:44-48 where he says if you want to be perfect, be like your heavenly father who loves both the saints and the sinners alikewhich obviously require that you need some material possessions with you.
The Jesus of the Gospels had a habit of being blunt, in your face and downright offensive. That's why I believe the reverse. His blunt statement was probably the original one. His other more majestic statement may or may not be an interpolation. He could have been both blunt and non-blunt at different times depending on the moment.
His statement to turn the other cheek doesn't necessarily mean that one should remain quiet while being interrogated.
this is from a blog, "news from me" that i read fairly regularly.
mark evanier is, among other things, a comic book writer (co-writer for "groo-the wanderer), a television writer, a great raconteur, and was a close person friend of jack kirby, one of the world's greatest comic book artists.he got an email from a jw trying to explain why they come to his door.evanier's answer is well thought out, and should explain to even the densest j-dub why people really don't like being bothered.
maybe his correspondent will take it to heart, but probably not.
I think we should all try posting a short sign at our doors saying "Jehovah's Witnesses, this is an apostate household."
some jw's at my daughters door saturday morning.
they said nothing, nada, zip, zero, and just passed the mags to her and left.
is there no interaction any more?
to start off with let me clarify that by asshole atheism i am not referring to strong atheism or any other type of upfront atheism.
what i am referring to is the belligerent, hateful atheism that smacks of trolls and other types who want to derail conversation or comments at any cost..
i enjoy hearing comments from both sides of the subjects of theism, nationalism or politics, especially from those who have intense opinions.
"Judging from friends and family, people who claim to have interest in Science , never really seem to have much of an interest in science outside of finding reasons to argue with religious people. It seems to more of a liberal arts thing, disguising itself in the guise of higher learning."
You're a poor judge of character as far as posters here are concerned. l have had an interest in science since before I became a Witness at age 14. As cofty said "Reality is awesome".
reading a report of an elder in a friends cong has been hiding and spying on the pioneers who seem to have a practise of dumping the cart and finding a local coffee shop, i've noticed that they do this in my local high street as well but this week they seemed to be all huddled around the cart, they've clearly been warned, a vast percentage of the time i see they seem to be more interested in fiddling with their mobile phones and gossiping, is just seems these carts are a means for the pioneers to turn in "easy time" i wonder what sort of figures show how much literature is being taken by the public?
i bet its very minimal.
naturally the gb would say they are a phenomenal success , we clearly know they are not.
"The same kind of topics, the same mantra's , the same kind of views and thoughts etc. etc. Its just an endless repetition."
Are we projecting?
As for me, I believe that the Watchtower is here to stay for quite a while. That is not a sign of spiritual health though.
here is part of a scam e-mail delivered to my junk folder (i glance thru it every so often for kicks).
i highlighted the parts i found especially goofy:.
we found your name in our list and that is why we are contacting you, and we are happy to announce to you that every necessary legalarrangement regarding to your compensation has been signed and sealed.
at 2014 conventions (regional?
) 14,039 baptized.
outstanding for 13,871 congs!
does anyone have any links to how the mormons (or ex mormons for that matter) view the changes that the wts has made over recent years, especially the growth of and characters like caleb & sophia?.
have they noticed?
do they see similarities?
i am working on a writing project.
just give me your opinion on this subject.
if you worked for your respective government and you were tasked with doomsday preparations, what would you decide to save for future generations?
All the technical and skill related manuals/books on any subject that can be found. They should be stored in CDs. All the classics. Library of Congress, etc.
Every variety of tool available.
Ten females for every male.